Friday, March 12, 2010

Tea for Texas

Lots of political happenings during the GG's sabbatical. Let's start with the gubernatorial race in the GG's own home state of Texas. Here, Rick Perry (the Breck Guy) prevailed over Kay Bailey Hutchison (the Breck girl) and an upstart nurse/tea partier named Debra Medina in the Republican primary. As astute observers know, Texas Republican primaries are increasingly dominated by an almost lunatic fringe of right wing, federal government-hating activists. These are folks who are convinced that the Black Hawks will be coming soon over the nearest horizon to enslave us and turn our free-market economy into a member of the European Union, led of course by the socialist trioka of Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. These are the same people who attacked Ron Paul and Kevin Brady FROM THE RIGHT. Attilla the Hun would have his credentials questioned by this group. Perry even went so far in wooing this crowd that he threatened to have Texas secede from the Union. Most of his fans,if given the chance would have voted for that idea. That is, until they discovered that it would mean they'd need a passport to cross the border into Louisiana to gamble; that it would mean an end to their Medicare and Medicaid and that their kids and grandkids could no longer get federally-supported student loans for their college educations; and a whole host of other things they take for granted that they get from the federal government they so love to hate. But I digress. I was talking about the primary election for Governor and there I shall return. Incredibly, Perry won quite handily and, surprisingly, without a run-off. Kay Bailey Hutchison--who had carved a successful senatorial career and had been a staunch advocate and "bacon-bringer" for Texas and Texans in the same tradition as former Texas political legends Lyndon Johnson, Sam Rayburn and Lloyd Bentsen before her--was summarily rejected by these voters. In contrast, and ironically, Perry acted as a hero to the primary voters, not by bringing home any bacon to Texas mind you, but by actually rejecting and turning away any bacon offers, including many that were badly needed and had been gladly accepted by governors in all other states (except Alaska--as why does that not surprise the GG?) Even newcomer and political novice Medina, who had accomplished nothing, nada, zippo for Texas or Texans, was on the way to defeating Hutchison until she imploded by being unable to bring herself to say that the idea of burning one's house down and flying one's airplane into an office building with the intent of killing people inside was a bad thing. I guess that was too much for even some of her fellow tea-partiers (But even after that, she still managed to receive over 20% of the primary vote.) No sooner had the election ended when Perry was out there (and when the GG says "out there" he really means "OUT THERE")complaining about the Obama administrations's proposed budget cuts at Houston-based NASA as well as the cancellation of a military truck assembly plant contract at a plant near Houston in favor of a competitor in Wisconsin. Hmm, hard to imagine how those would have fared in a secessionist Texas as Perry had hinted at during his campaign. Now Rick will face off against Bill White, the Democratic winner, whose style and demeanor are about as boring as his name. Talk about contrasts--White has nary a hair on his head, in contrast to Perry, the Breck guy. Also, I doubt White has ever made a political appearance dressed in camo. No, all White has going for him is proven competence as the successful mayor of Houston. White has long eschewed political labels in favor of simply getting done what needs to get done. As you can tell, the GG is a fan of Bill White. Any why not--there's much to like about him. He makes me smile--Rick Perry makes me grouchy. Besides, at one time Bill White was my Sunday School teacher. I think we need more Sunday School teachers in government.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Return of the Geezer

The GG back is back after a 3-month sabbatical. Thanks to all you readers for hanging in while I was away. Warning: Anyone who thinks the GG might have used this time to relax and perhaps mellow out a bit should beware. I'm the same old grouch, only now I have 3 months of pent up grouchiness looking to be released. It starts here and now.

Before my time off, I had intended to express my displeasure with escalators. Not that I don't find the things useful--heck, at my age I like anything that lets me go up and down with no effort. But that's when they're working, which is something they tend to do infrequently. Last week, I was in a movie theatre where the down escalator working but the up escalator wasn't. Isn't that how it usually is? The one you need to work doesn't and the one you could really get along without works just fine. Here's another thing with escalators: Have you ever noticed that the sharper the incline, the more frequently the things seem to be out of order. I'll bet if I took a poll of my readers, most would have the same or similar experiences with escalators. Let's try it: If you've ever been in a building with escalators where both the up and down escalators were working simultaneously for a period of at least 2 days, let me know. My guess is that no one will reply. I for one have never had such an experience. One thing for sure, the job of an escalator repairman is a lot busier than that of a Maytag repairman.

I know this post of something as bland as escalators might seem disappointing as my first post in 3 months to you grouch-thirsty readers, but be patient my friends--I have lots of things to get off my chest that have built up over this period. It's just that escalators were on the top of my mind when I left off and so I wanted to start with that subject.

Welcome, fellow grouches. Come in, put on a frown and make yourselves at home. According to my family and friends, I've been a grouch for quite some time. I turned 65 a couple of years ago so now not only am I a grouch but an official geezer to boot. A Grouchy Geezer! (But truth be known, I'm a grouch only on days ending in a "Y").

My purpose here is to share some of the things I've observed and experienced over the course of my life that have peeved, annoyed and irritated the crap out of me. Things that helped make me into The Grouchy Geezer. As fellow grouches, I feel sure you, too, have encountered similar things in your lives that have peeved, annoyed and irritated the crap out of you as well. If so, you'll have the chance to share them on this site.

The format is simple. From time to time I will post a pet peeve based on a particular life experience or observation or something currently in the news or in the culture that makes me grouchy.

This will be a free and open board and anyone is welcome to comment. You may comment on my peeve or relate one of your own. Any topic is fair game as long as it is something that makes you grouchy. The only requirement is that you use good taste and refrain from personal attacks. Use of profanity will make me even grouchier and bar you from further access to the site. That means you will have to grouch to your wife, not on here.

None of this is to say that uplifting banter is not encouraged. By all means, if you have something to say that is inspiring or that might force other readers to have to suppress a smile, let us hear it. But don't overdo it; after all, it's our grouchiness that defines and unites us and makes this blog possible.