Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tiger hits every club in the bag and every bag in the club

The gg is back after a longer than intended Thanksgiving sabbatical. During my absence, I took note of several noteworthy developments on the national scene. The first two are related. First was the matter of the White House party crashers; and the second was Obama's decision to send another 30,000 troops to Afghanistan. My reaction to these? Let's see now--how many Al Queda were involved in 9/11? Wasn't it about 16, all wearing business suits and wire-rim glasses? All it took was 16 in our own country to wreak that kind of havoc. So what good is 100,000 soldiers on the far side of the globe when it comes to trying to stop that? It doesn't make sense to the gg. And the party-crashing story proves that one or two people can get into the White House and wreak havoc there if they so chose. These two developments made the gg very grouchy!

The third development during my absence was Tiger Woods "transgressions." My reaction? It looks to the gg that Tiger not only hits every club in the bag but also hits every bag in the club!

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Welcome, fellow grouches. Come in, put on a frown and make yourselves at home. According to my family and friends, I've been a grouch for quite some time. I turned 65 a couple of years ago so now not only am I a grouch but an official geezer to boot. A Grouchy Geezer! (But truth be known, I'm a grouch only on days ending in a "Y").

My purpose here is to share some of the things I've observed and experienced over the course of my life that have peeved, annoyed and irritated the crap out of me. Things that helped make me into The Grouchy Geezer. As fellow grouches, I feel sure you, too, have encountered similar things in your lives that have peeved, annoyed and irritated the crap out of you as well. If so, you'll have the chance to share them on this site.

The format is simple. From time to time I will post a pet peeve based on a particular life experience or observation or something currently in the news or in the culture that makes me grouchy.

This will be a free and open board and anyone is welcome to comment. You may comment on my peeve or relate one of your own. Any topic is fair game as long as it is something that makes you grouchy. The only requirement is that you use good taste and refrain from personal attacks. Use of profanity will make me even grouchier and bar you from further access to the site. That means you will have to grouch to your wife, not on here.

None of this is to say that uplifting banter is not encouraged. By all means, if you have something to say that is inspiring or that might force other readers to have to suppress a smile, let us hear it. But don't overdo it; after all, it's our grouchiness that defines and unites us and makes this blog possible.